Date & Time03/20/2025 8:00 pm ET
Contact Hours2 Hours
- $55
Mindful Rehab for Lasting Results
Course Description
Wish you had a foundation for your therapy interventions that ties it all together to encourage client participation and generates measurable results that last? Do you find the benefits of therapy don’t last as long as you planned as your clients are so easily distracted in our fast-paced world? With new information bombarding everyone at the speed of internet, it is more important than ever to help clients to be present and fully aware during therapy and attentive with their home programs. The answer is in the mindful approach to rehab.
The importance of engaging in the present moment without judgment is critical to addressing the high level of stress in our culture today, and to manage pain and tension more effectively. Too many people are so distracted by worrying about the past and feeling anxious about the future, contributing to the prevalence of pain and attention deficits in our society. Examine the research and mechanisms for mindfulness in rehab. Discover how to incorporate mindful techniques into your everyday practice to boost client engagement. Ease pain and tension and promote independence in self-regulation across a wide range of diagnostic categories to benefit people across the rehab spectrum for optimal results. Bring mindful practices into your life to improve decision-making, manage work related stress, reduce burnout and build resilience for greater enjoyment in your work and an even healthier lifestyle.
Course Objectives
At the end of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Define mindfulness and explain the theory and science behind mindful practices.
- Discuss need and applications for mindfulness in rehab practice.
- List 5 mindful tools and strategies to incorporate into rehab practice.
- Discuss the evidence for the effectiveness of mindfulness in pain management, anxiety and depression reduction, sleep hygiene, and stress management.
Approved in my State?
as Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants
as Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants
as Certified Athletic Trainers
as Uncategorized
as Subscription
as Massage Therapy
as Speech Therapy
Educational Level
Satisfactory completion of this course will require the participant to respond to polling questions asked throughout the webinar.