Contact Hours2 Hours
- $49
Adaptive Equipment and Assistive Technology in Pediatrics
Course Description
This 2 hour webinar is lecture based with case studies and is appropriate for pediatric OTs/OTAs and PTs/PTAs at a beginning/intermediate level. The webinar seeks to help therapists answer the questions of What, Why, How, When, Where and Who regarding use of adaptive equipment and assistive technology (AT) for children and young adults. An overview of various types of adaptive equipment and assistive technology will be presented. Therapists will learn how to assess for and develop appropriate client/family goals for use of adaptive equipment. A review of high tech and low tech options will be discussed, as well as cost vs. benefit, and how adaptive equipment can enhance therapy goals. Attendees will learn how to write an effective letter of medical necessity and wheelchair evaluation. Case studies and quizzes will help attendees consider risk factors for various deformities related to postural alignment, growth, and function, and discuss possible solutions using adaptive equipment and assistive technology.
Course Objectives
At the end of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Define adaptive equipment and AT, and review various types
- Discuss the purpose of adaptive equipment and AT
- Review appropriate use of adaptive equipment and AT relative to age, cognition, family needs, and support
- Summarize important considerations related to growth, environment, and specific diagnoses
- Recognize the practical considerations associated with use of adaptive equipment and AT, including evaluation, funding, documentation of need, and fitting
Approved in my State?
as Physical Therapists & Physical Therapist Assistants
as Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants
as Certified Athletic Trainers
as Uncategorized
as Subscription
as Massage Therapy
as Speech Therapy
Educational Level
Satisfactory completion of this course will require the participant to complete a 10 question post-test with a minimum passing score of 70%.